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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 775
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Chapter 0775


"Today is the day, my love."

Mila's voice, soft and sweet, pulledout of my reverie. | found myself sitting beside those pools of

unfathomably deep water again, although this time, | couldn't quite remember how | had gotten here. Furrowing

my brow, | turned to see Mila's face smiling down at me. She reached out and touched my cheek, and... Yes.

Right. | was just relaxing here before my big fight. The arena waited fornow, and | couldn't have been more

excited. After all, once | won the fight, the ceremony would begin and after that, Mila would finally be mine.

And | would be hers.

| smiled, pressing my hand against hers. "I can't wait," | said softly.

"It's a good thing you don't have to, my dear. It's tfor you to start getting ready."

| followed her gaze to the doorway, where a servant waited for me. | already knew what was in store: a

ceremonial bath, during which they would likely scrub my skin within an inch of its life, just like last time.

And that was exactly what happened. Within a few hours, | was seated on the edge of my bed, wearing a plain

cloth shirt and loose pants. My skin was red and a little raw from the scrubbing, and the room smelled like

fragrant salts. | was ready; and in just a few short hours, | would be preparing for the fight.

But | couldn't deny the way my leg shook, my heel bouncing on the ground.

Maybe it was nerves, or maybe just anticipation. Either way, with hours to spare before the fight, | knew |

couldn't wait here the whole time. | stood and decided to wander, then, to help pass the time.

The walk started out innocently enough. | wandered the halls, tracing my fingers along the smooth obsidian as |

mused to myself.

But halfway through, something changed. | felt myself no longer wandering, but instead moving toward a

specific location, even occasionally evading guards, as though drawn by an invisible force.

Then, rounding the final corner, | found myself in a strangely familiar location.

The dungeon.

| wasn't sure why | had chere, but | knew that it wasn't entirely an unconscious decision. And that was why,

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as | pushed open the door, | didn't fight the urge to go further.

The thick, heavy doors creaked open, and | slipped inside. Wandering down the narrow corridor, flanked on either

side by silver and iron cells, | cto the cell at the very end.

| peered through the gap, my gaze landing on the hulking form of my opponent a brutish shifter with wild eyes

and matted fur. The panther.

Something inside ofstirred at the sight of him, an inexplicable urge pullingforward until | was mere

inches from the bars. It seemed as though that surge had taken him over, too, and he padded forward, the

light hitting his black fur.

| did something unimaginable then. | reached out and touched his muzzle.

And then, our eyes met, boring into each other with an intensity that stole my breath away.

Suddenly, with no warning | heard a gruff voice reverberate inside my mind.

"You are in grave danger."

| felt myself go rigid, my pulse thundering in my ears, but for sreason I didn't pull away.

"You... You can speak?" | murmured, my voice barely more than a whisper.

"Listen closely," the shifter's gravelly voice responded in my mind. "Mila forces these arena fights as part of her

sick ceremonies, all in pursuit of an heir. But she cannot produce an heir."

| furrowed my brow. "What?"

The panther almost seemed to sigh, although it cout as more of a low, throaty growl. | felt the urge to pull

back, but once more, | didn't.

"She is infertile," he replied. "And when a would-be mate cannot give her what she desires, she unleashes her

fumes and poisons upon them until they are little more than mindless thralls, twisted beyond recognition."

A tremor of revulsion ran throughat his words, followed immediately by something more solid, more guttural

as the fog in my mind started to part. Of course | knew that her ceremony was a sham. | already knew about her

treachery, her evil nature.

Nina... How could I have been so blind? Something was happening tohere, something dark and twisted. It

was as if | had realized it a thousand times already, but each t| cclose to breaking through the fog that

had taken over my mind, Mila would suddenly appear and then the fog would return.

But not this time. No, this tMila didn't come. And maybe that was why | had chere, to see the panther,

when | did; because deep down, | knew that she wouldn't findhere.

"What should | do?" | asked, speaking telepathically so as not to be overheard.

The panther paused. We both knew |

f 9 i 2 5

couldn't simply run; Mila would find

me, and even if | somenpwdriardded

tgslip Alt oF Her palace without being

caught, there was no knowing what


would happen then. Perhaps she'd

wreak havoc on innocent people. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

Perhaps she had Nina, and | had no idea. No, | had to be smart about this. And the panther knew that.

I" a0 [1

Not all who serve her do so willingly,

: [1

the panther replied. "Sonly obey

through fear, shackled © her withfike

dogs ORE sastethobe; ike me, who

weré able to resist the insanity that

she inflicts on us. If you can start an

uprising during our battle, turn the

tides and attack the guards instead

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1 :

of me..." The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

His voice trailed off, but his piercing gaze remained locked with mine. | felt something akin to hope flare in my

chest as the possibilities began to take shape.

"very well," | replied, feeling the panthers slick fur beneath my hand. "Here is what we'll do.."

| paced back and forth in my room, my hands curled up into fists at my sides. The plan felt haphazard and

quickly put-together, but it had to work. If it didn't work, then...

Then | didn't even want to know what would happen after that.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening snappedout of my trance. | turned to see a fully-clad guard step

silently into the room, spear in hand, and felt my heart begin to pound. It was time.

"Could I have a few more minutes?" | asked, trying to force the tiniest shred of confidence into my voice. "I'm not

quite ready."

But much to my chagrin, the guard

just stood there, blankly staring at me

or at least, that was how it feft, m

throug dhe femerthbrcompletely

hid {Heir face. | felt my shoulders

slump as | realized that this guard,

like so many others, was just another

thrall. And thralls had no pity, no

compassion, no logic. The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Or at least, what was what | thought at first; until, with a deft flick of their wrist, they pulled off their helmet-and

a cascade of long, dark hair ctumbling free.